Boom of Marine Engineering

Thursday, 17 October 2013
Till the late 90’s marine engineering never came to light as a career option but in recent times the boom in the nautical industry and innovative developments in the field of marine engineering has drawn the spotlight and many people have started to opt for marine engineering. The unprecedented rise of the amount of trading and the number of merchant navy vessels has highly been effective in increasing the commercial activities across seas which has drawn a positive impact on the field of marine engineering.
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The complexity of building a ship is much more than that of building a car or aircraft. This is mainly due to the unpredictability of the weather conditions when at sea. Ships operate based on the waves and the wind that blows. So, a marine engineer needs to have proper knowledge in order to build a cost-effective, safe and reliable ship. Marine engineers not only build ships but they also work in navies, dockyards, equipment manufacturing companies.

According to a recent study in Malaysia, an average merchant navy vessel requires around 10 marine engineers and technicians. Around 6000 marine engineers are employed by non-governmental organizations for various ship operations. Due to lack of public interest in the country around 90% of the jobs are acquired by foreign engineers. The Malaysian government has forecasted that the country’s shipbuilding and repairing industry will generate around 20000 job opportunities by the year 2020.

It is evident from the above statistics how marine engineering has a lucrative prospectus in Malaysia.   

Axsys Technologies- A Pioneer in Marine Design and Consultancy Services

Monday, 7 October 2013
In order to maintain a competitive edge in the naval architecture and marine engineering industry, marine engineering companies must make use of technologies that support a multi-disciplined design environment and concurrent global engineering. Therefore, by implementing an intelligent solution that will be able to streamline processes and automate workflow, marine engineering companies will be able to increase shipyard productivity and reduce cost subsequently.
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Axsys Technologies Limited provides innovative marine consulting and marine engineering solutions that can benefit any sized ship building project. Right from the concept to design and maintenance, Axsys Technologies offers solutions built with intelligent technology that supports every stage of the life cycle of a ship. With a long history of offering solutions to a number of industries across the globe, Axsys has a wealth of expertise to be leveraged. The services of this organization span the entire marine domain.

If you are a customer in the marine industry, you can avail of the services of Axsys Technologies so that all your needs from detailed engineering to fleet management are being met. The customers of Axsys Technologies Limited are spread all across the globe and especially in the countries of USA, Europe, South and South East Asia and the Middle East. The central operation hub of this organization is in Kolkata.

To learn more about the innovations of Axsys Technologies in naval architecture and marine engineering technology, you can visit

3D Ship Modeling- A Boon to the Nautical World

Thursday, 3 October 2013
The world of marine engineering has seen a myriad of innovations over the last few decades. In every department of marine engineering from ship building and designing to ship modeling, innovations have been constant. Of late one of the most noteworthy innovations has been that of 3D ship modeling.

Ship 3D modeling has introduced the world of marine engineering to a host of ‘never before seen’ advantages. It has immensely helped in the work of reconstruction and rebuilding of maritime past. The problem that mariners and researchers face with ancient ships is that they are often recovered without major structures like timbers. This makes the work of reconstruction extremely difficult.

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With 3D ship modeling however, this is no more a concern for mariners. Mariners and archeologists now can get accurate measurements and data from old and ancient ships. This has been possible only because of 3D ship modeling. Again, when it comes to accuracy, the potential of 3D modeling can never be questioned. Each time mariners are in need of correct and accurate data and measurements, they resort to this form of modeling. As they say, this kind of ship modeling ‘can never give incorrect results’.

Another advantage of 3D ship modeling is that it is extremely versatile. Yes, you can make changes in the model as and when you need. Well, the list of advantages offered by this form of modeling to the nautical world is endless.

Therefore, in the present days, 3D ship modeling has been extremely beneficial to mariners. As there are constant innovations being made in this industry, the coming days are expected to see bigger and better innovations.

The Potential of 3D Ship Modeling Is Endless

Monday, 30 September 2013
The marine engineering industry has witnessed some of the biggest innovations till date. Most of them have been on the technological sphere. One of the most recent advancements has been that of 3D ship modeling. This has brought in a myriad of advantages for marine engineers and researchers.

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The invention of 3D ship modeling has made the work of reconstruction much easier. Earlier, archeologists used to face the problem of recollection of maritime past. Mostly, ancient ships are recovered without any major structures like timber and this makes the work of recovery extremely difficult. This has called for some grave problems for researchers and marine engineers. It is here that 3D ship modeling is of great help.

3D ship modeling not only helps in the process of reconstruction of maritime past but it also helps derive exact measurements and accurate data. Three dimensional modeling of ship design has a great potential in ship repair as well. The most important benefit is that a marine engineer can identify the scope of a repair early on. In case of floating offshore platforms, requirements for structural integrity are very high. 3D ship modeling provides the basis for a recommended system design.

Therefore, the advantages of 3D ship modeling are endless. The coming days are expected to see some bigger advancement in marine engineering. 

The World of Marine Engineering and Cutting Edge Innovations

Thursday, 26 September 2013
Courage, curiosity and discipline have always played their parts in commanding high seas. However, technical skills and the right knowledge to translate scholarly theories into practical applications have played a key role in the development of modern nautical science. The desire to master water-borne journeys for travel and conquest appears in some of the earliest recorded histories of the world. The early mariners faced a large number of challenges and it is because of this reason that there was an increasing demand for betterment of technology in terms of ship designing and ship building.

In order to master the high seas, generations of experience in marine engineering and discoveries needed to be fused with the classical knowledge of geography and astronomy. It required sailors and scholars to combine their expertise so that they could build ships and determine nautical distances. This is the reason that there had been constant technological innovations in the nautical world. Some worked and some did not. But that did not stop people from trying to introduce new innovations to the world of marine engineering.
Therefore, over the years, there have been a plethora of innovations and technological advancements been made in the nautical world. One of the most noteworthy technological advancements of the recent times has been that of 3D shipmodeling. The world of marine engineering is always coming up with new innovations and the most recent one in this regard has been that of 3D ship modeling. This 21st century advancement has awarded the marine world with a lot of benefits.

It has not only made the work of reconstruction and data collection from ancient ships easier but it also comes with the advantage of being able to made any number of changes in the model at any given time. Ship 3D modeling also makes it possible for marine engineers and researchers to extract the accurate measurements and make perfect analysis. The benefits of this form of ship modeling are therefore endless.

Hence, the world of marine engineering has been in the past and still continues to be gifted with some cutting edge technologies. The coming days are expected to see many more of such innovations. 

Axsys Technologies Limited-Introducing Innovation in Every Aspect of Marine Engineering

Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Innovations are constant in the world of marine engineering. There are always some innovations in terms of ship designing, building and modeling. In the past there have been certain significant developments in the nautical world that have taken the world by surprise. Now when it comes to new innovations, the present day marine engineering industry also witnesses a plethora of innovations.

The internet today has evolved as the biggest repository of information. There is hardly any information that you will not find on the internet today. Right from shopping electronic gadgets online to buying apparels and music CDs, we get it all over the internet.
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Therefore, to cater to the 21st century net savvy user, many marine engineering companies are going online to increase their visibility and create their brand awareness. This way they can better reach their potential customers and create an online presence of their services as well.

So, if you are looking to hire quality ship building, ship designing and marine consultancy services then you can go online. But before making the final selection, you must always ensure that you select the best company. One experienced and reliable company in this regard is Axsys Technologies Limited.

Axsys Technologies Limited offers engineering support at every stage of the total life cycle of a ship. Their experienced team of naval experts, marine and mechanical engineers are available all 365 days of the year to assist you. Moreover, they offer services at a value for your money as well. Their areas of service revolve around but are not limited to marine design and consultancy services, marine software services, software development and a lot more.

Therefore, if you need any assistance regarding services related to marine engineering, you now can hire the services of Axsys Technologies Limited. 

3D Ship Modeling Explores the Hidden Potentials of Marine Engineering

Friday, 20 September 2013
The nautical industry has seen many inventions till date. Right from the designing of ships to the build and model, there have been new innovations and advancements being made in each and every sector. Research and development in the world of marine engineering continues and with each passing day more and more innovations are seeing light of the day.

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Since the ancient times, a lot of variations in terms of the design, build and model of ships have been noticed. Of late, one of the most recent advancements has been that of ship 3D modeling. This kind of modeling has offered some great advantages to marine engineers, researchers and archeologists. It has not only made the work of research and data collection easy but has also introduced accuracy in the work of measurements and accurate data restoration.

Well, in the recent times there have been many similar innovations that have taken the nautical world by storm. But of all the innovations, 3D ship modeling deserves a special mention. The benefits that it has offered the nautical world are second to none. Some of these innovative inventions have introduced a lot of facilities for the marine world.

It is still believed by experts that there are a lot of potentials that are still left to be explored in the world of marine engineering. The concept of 3D ship modeling has to a great extent been able to explore some of the hidden potentials of the world of marine engineering. What else lies hidden in this vast world that only time will tell.

Explore the Potentials of 3D Ship Modeling

Thursday, 19 September 2013
The ship building industry has undergone several innovations over the last few years. Innovations in models, ship design, the build of ships and new technologies, each and every department has seen new innovations being introduced. The present day ships vary a lot from the ancient ones in all of these departments. With the advancement of mankind, the world of marine engineering has seen some breath-taking advancement as well.

One of the best innovations in the field of marine engineering in the recent times has been that of 3D ship modeling. This new and innovative form of modeling has brought about a storm in the nautical world. Till date there were certain impossibilities that this new form of modeling has made possible.

With the help of 3D ship modeling, marine engineers and researchers are now able to do collect data of ancient ships more accurately. The work of reconstruction and analysis has become has become a lot easy and today archeologists are able to recover data about ancient ships more efficiently.

The advantages that 3D ship modeling offer are great. You can make changes in the design as and when you need. The scope for accurate measurements and data collection are also high with 3D modeling. This therefore is one of the best things that have happened to the nautical world. The potential of 3D modeling is still being explored as it is believed by experts that there are a lot left to explore and know about this kind of modeling.

With more and more technological innovations being made, the world of marine engineering is expected to see some bigger and better technologies being introduced in the coming days.

Ship Building Industry Undergoing Innovations in the 21st Century

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
When we talk of early ships of the explorers then there is no such thing as exploration model of ship. With their knowledge and experience captains had to acquire whatever they could get their hands on. They had to find venture capitalists and people who would support and finance their journeys. Now how well or richly the trip was backed by such mentors depended on how well the ship was prepared and often rebuild and rearmed and how good the chandler was.

Most of the ships of the ancient times were ex-trading ships that were re-fitted for the long journey. They were short, small and stubby for strength. Their bows lifted to the incoming waves and their high sterns prevented them from being swamped from behind. Most of them were around 70-100 meters in length. This is around 6-9 sedan cars put end to end.

Though improvements in ship designing had enabled the sailing ships of the 17th and 18th centuries to travel much faster into the wind, the 15th century boats that were slower and smaller were safer. Over the years however, with new civilization, new ship building techniques came into existence. The 21st century techniques are more based on cutting-edge innovations being made in the field of marine engineering.

Today, the introduction of ship 3D modeling has benefitted the world of marine engineering greatly. It has not only made the work of ship design easier but has also aided in the process of reconstruction and data collection as far as ancient ships are concerned.

The coming days are expected to see bigger and better innovations in the field of marine engineering. With so many technological advancements going on, we are surely going to see some more innovations in ship designing and ship building in the days to come.

Ship Designing From the Ancient to the Present Times

Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Ship designing is one of the most crucial aspects of the ship building industry. The ships that we come across today are large, self propelled and sturdy. They are used to transport cargo across seas and oceans. This however was not the case centuries ago. The present day ships have undergone countless centuries of development to become what they are today.

In the ancient marine times people used rafts, bundles of reeds, logs of bamboo, asphalt and air filled animal skins to traverse along small bodies. The first boat was a simple frame of sticks lashed and covered nicely with sewn hides. These boats were able to carry large and heavy loads very easily. Another noteworthy ancient boat was the dugout which was a log that was hollowed out and pointed at the end. Most of these were as long as sixty feet.

Kinds of Ships in Ancient Maritime History

As the marine history unfolds, it draws images of intrigue and amazement at the expertise and diligence of the craftsmen of ancient mariners. The medieval ships were built clinker and this refers to the clenching of nail-on technique used for securing planks. This clinker design was adapted from the earlier skin boats that had to be over lapped to be made water tight. In the medieval ages, the Irish were in possession of more innovative techniques and advanced vessels like Irish Curragh. These were known to have wooden frames and a hide covered wicker hull. It is believed that these ancient ships were fitted with removable masts that were rigged using primitive sails. By 1000 AD, framed Viking Long ship was allowed to travel into the Mediterranean Sea. These ships were wider in shape and had a more advanced mast stepping design. By the end of 800 AD, an alternative form of the north European ship design known as the hulk came into vogue. An example of the hulk is the Utrecht ship. The planks of this are flush, butted end to end and tapered in order to draw up at the sides and along the bow and stern.

The Recent Improvements

Ship designing continued to develop as overseas trade became more and more important. With the passage of years, in order to avoid the risk of water damage, cargo was transported in large gallon barrels called tuns. However, in the 21st century, the potential of 3D ship modeling has brought in a lot of new possibilities in the nautical world. The coming days are expected to see bigger innovations in ship designing that would facilitate the transport of humans and goods at a larger level. 

Use 3D Modeling to Design Your Ship

Monday, 16 September 2013
Ever since they have been known, ships have been items of fascination. Ship designing is an integral part of the ship building process. A good design is the foundation on which a constructional operation stands. Again, today a large number of companies provide ship modeling kits that allow the consumer to create their ship models as per their requirements.

With the passage of time, the marine engineering industry has made a lot of advancements. There have been a lot of innovations in ship designing and modeling. One of the latest and cutting-edge innovations involves that of 3D ship modeling. This kind of advanced modeling has brought in a lot of potential in ship building and ship designing.

Now when it comes to 3D ship modeling, you can design complex shapes with lot of features in a user friendly manner in the least amount of time. This kind of modeling makes the design flexile both in terms of design and shape. You also can adjust the designing as per your requirements. You can also make unlimited changes. It makes complicated calculations easier as well.

The best idea therefore is to get some sort of 3D ship designing. This is suitable for anyone from hobby model boat builder to professional mass ship producers. With this latest and innovative modeling software, ship designers can now bid adieu to all the problems they faced with designing in the past.

Therefore, embrace this new kind of ship modeling and enjoy all the technical advantages it has on offer. You can get in touch with a good ship designing company on the internet with just the click of a mouse. 

3D Technology-Opens New Dimensions for Industries

Thursday, 12 September 2013

ith the advancement of technology, the ship building industry has achieved new heights. From the introduction of new models to new designing techniques, this industry has only shown signs of improvement over the last few years. The advancement of this industry is today noticeable in the sphere of 3D ship modeling as well. The technology of 3D modeling has with the vast potential it has on offer, taken the nautical world by storm.

But when we talk of the technological advancements of the world of marine engineering, it is not just limited to 3D ship modeling. There are a lot more innovations being made in this industry. 3D modeling is however the most remarkable of all the innovations.

Of all the advantages offered by 3D modeling, the most noteworthy one is its ability for accurate measurements, analysis and aid in data collection. The common problem with the recovery and collection of data concerned with ancient ships is that parts of the ships without any major structures are recovered.

 This poses a complex problem for archaeologists and marine engineers. It is here that they need 3D ship modeling. By aiding in the data recovery process and the reconstruction process, 3D ship modeling highly helps researchers and archaeologists.

Apart from the reconstruction and data recovery process, 3D ship modeling offers a lot of other advantages as well. Accuracy is one of the most important features of this kind of model. When studying a 3D model, one can easily study figures and measurements without facing any major obstructions.

The technology of 3D has widespread utility these days. In almost every sector and industry the technology of 3D is being used. A lot of sectors today depend on 3D software or model. This kind of technology not only assists employees but also help organizations offer better services and products to customers. This 21st century technology therefore has made its entry into different sectors and offered benefits to people and industries at large.

When we talk of marine engineering, the technology of 3D has offered a myriad of advantages. As said earlier, 3D has opened a lot of new doors for this sector. The advantages that this kind of modeling offers are second to none. In terms of ship building and ship designing, the potentials of this technology are still being explored. The technology of 3D modeling is therefore expected to come out bigger and better in the coming days.  

Ship Building- A Flourishing Industry of the Present Times

Friday, 6 September 2013

As per the current market research reports, ship building industry ranks as one of the most booming industries in the global market.  Primarily, this industry is engaged in constructing extensive variety of ships as well as the floating vessels such as bulk carriers and tankers. In fact it has covered an aggressive rate in terms of productivity, technical developments and skilled workforce in the competitive market. This industry has shown the highest growth expansion in 2010.

Nowadays in the global market there are many companies coming with their wonderful ship designing models and AxsysTechnologies Limited is amongst the leading ones.  This renowned company promises to offer an outstanding range of marine IT services, design and marine engineering services.  The customers can avail the products and services from this company at affordable rates along with the best delivery options. Their products are designed using superior quality raw materials under the supervision of professional experts having profound knowledge in the same.

Axsys Technologies Limited has a team of high skilled laborers who work in accordance to the guidelines given by the professional experts.  They use the best technology in combination with the best business practices so as to enhance their productivity level. Moreover this company has its official website where you will get every bit of details about the services and product range they offer.

Some of the Products Designed Under Ship Building Industry

 The wide variety of products and services that are offered by the this industry are ferry crafts, high performance vessels,  passenger vessels, split hopper barges, paramilitary boats, survey launches,  tugs, pilot and petrol launches, harbor utilities, crane barges and bunker barges. Applications that used in designing these products are used are structural conversions, performance up gradation and conversions re-equipping.

If you are really interested to know about this flourishing industry then you can get all of it on the internet now. The internet today has evolved as the biggest repository of information. With the advancement in the technological world it has become easy for us to get ourselves updated about this industry. 

History Of Ship Building

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Ship building can be traced back to the times of unrecorded history. Ever since man has started evolving, the quest for travelling and the modes of travel have changed. Building ships initially started as a mode of overseas business and is still the largest business to transport and exchange heavy goods between the continents. Ships then went on being used in the wars as capturing a county’s sea line meant instant victory and then came a time when ships were used as a mode of travel for passengers and gradually building ships (miniature) have emerged as a hobby in the elite class. 

There are highly skilled professionals who acquire the skill of crafting a ship and then lower it onto the waters. This is not just a commercial activity but also a very important activity and a skill set required in the military department. The navy forces of India need well-crafted and well-engineered ships that are able to withstand the after effects of war and bare the wear and tear so as to keep the trespassers of the country away. Building ships on the large scale first need a draft and a working model that defines the functionality of the ship. 

Ship building is a very detailed job that requires drafting the design on paper and then designing it on the computer using design software in two dimensional and three dimensional space and then a three dimensional working physical model is created which is finally realized by the craftsmen at the shipyard. In the recent times, the growth of this sector went up from 4.5 percent to 9 percent in a period of five years which is almost double. In addition, due to the availability of cheap labor force in India, India’s share in the global shipbuilding market has multiplied more than ten times going from a 0.1 percent in 2002 to a 1.6 percent in 2013 hence showing a whooping growth in the industry.

The growth percentage of the industry might be low compared to other existing industries; however, the growth rate is much more. Maximum growth has been seen in the design department with the rise in the need of designers with professional skills to work on certified software, which replicates the thought of the designer to the precision. This helps a great deal while creating and designing the ship physically. With the advancement of technology, and the rising need of people adapted and updated to the new technology has led to opening of various job opportunities for the entire country. Ships have been the symbol of power and strength from the dawn of time.

Expanding the ship building industry of any country would automatically mean expanding trade, the offshore explorations and the offshore platforms have become more important as the inland energy and resources are depleting and in turn increasing globalization and increasing the country’s revenue. As history says it, Vietnam bloomed like a flower since the discovery of the silk route and hence the main focus of any country should be to expand its shipbuilding industry.

An Overview of the Intricate Art of Ship Modeling

Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Almost every industry is engaged in the building processes, be it real estate, sky liners, bridges, trains and other locomotives; all rely on scale models for performance evaluation of a specific design. The Marine industry banks heavily on ship models for the same purpose.

Ship modeling is explicitly linked with ship designing and it is indispensible to the ship building process. It is a prerequisite of the construction of a real scale model as certain operations such as design verification and modeling analysis are carried out on them and obtained analytical data is related to the full-scale counterpart by using the principles of dynamic similitude. Testing is done in special facilities known as model basins.

Ship models are built to scale, which vary from miniature models to huge manned vessels capable of holding a person or two. They allow room for errors, which would otherwise be very expensive on a full-scale watercraft. They are also apt for nautical training and experimentation without incurring heavy losses. These models help in studying and understanding a ship’s behavior in realistically reproduced physical conditions such as winds, currents, waves and berths. In addition to this, hydrodynamic effects are correctly manifested to scale on these models.

The materials, which are generally used to furnish ship models are wood, plastic, metal and paper. Sea lore suggests that models carved out of wood have been around since the advent of water transport. Contemporary models are generally made of plastic or casted out of metal. The materials being utilized mainly depend on the purpose of a particular model is put up to.

Over the decades, ship models have provided archeologists with valuable information about the seafaring technology in old times and an insight on naval history. These models have helped them in estimating the size of the vessels and apprehending their sociological and economical aspects. The ancient models inspire current models as they give an insight on the feasibility and detail to put in the real scale prototype.

Established in 2000, Axsys technologies have been executing expert, reliable and sustainable designs and high quality models that spell exquisite workmanship without compromising on their functionality. We render our technical expertise and assistance in every stage of the ship building process and ensure customer satisfaction at each stratum. The supporting team of Axsys Technologies is always ready to serve you with experience and devotion.

Get Accurate Figures with 3D Ship Modeling

Tuesday, 3 September 2013
3D models are usually template models of any building structure. A 3D model is known to give us an exact visualization of a proposed structure. It is all about creating a mathematical and wire frame representation of any object with the help of specialized computer software.  It gives a quick and more accurate representation of any object.

The world of marine engineering has experienced a lot of technological advancements in the last few years. One such technological advancement has been that of 3D ship modeling. The introduction of 3D ship modeling in marine engineering has yielded some great benefits for archeologists and researchers. With the ancient ships the problems that arise is that of research and data collection. The invention of 3D ship modeling has eased this procedure by leaps and bounds. Let us take a quick look at some of the other advantages offered by 3D ship modeling to the nautical world:

  •       It is all about creating reliable and accurate models as per requirement

  •          It helps in finding specific volumes of components that helps in the process of reconstruction and analysis.

  •          A more accurate and precise model is able to be created in 3D.

  •         More and more accuracy is achieved with the help of 3D. The readings that are received from a 3D model have no room for errors.

  •          Most of the 3D models come with in-built error tracking systems and therefore detection of any errors become extremely easy.

Well, the possibilities of 3D ship modeling are enormous. In fact the models are clearer and easier to understand. This also assists in making big changes. There have been formerly many technological innovations that have taken place in the world of marine engineering. The invention of 3D modeling now is expected to especially make the work of research and data collection in the world of marine engineering. 


Friday, 23 August 2013
The quest of man to conquer the land, sea and air is eternal. Man first made their mark on land and then turned their eyes towards the water bodies. As the earth is surrounded by water on all three sides, the scope of mastering and utilizing this area was essential for the evolution of man. The most common way of manning the waves are rafts, boats, ships etc. These floating vessels have been helping man since the ancient Egyptian age to this very day to spread the hold of humans over the vast expanse of the oceans. Ship building and ship modeling have been the prime concern for man since time immemorial.

The first ship was probably built during 3500 B.C in ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia and huge ships made of wood were constructed in ancient Roman empire.
The first steam-driven ship was constructed by an American named Robert Fluton in 1807. It had paddles an a wooden hull. This was followed by the invention of propellers, in vented by Joseph Russel, John Patch etc.

Iron and steel took over the wooden hull around 19th century. Later on steel was preferred to iron as it was stronger than iron.
With rapid advancements in technology, 3D ship modeling has taken up a huge space in recent scenario.


Ø  Ship modeling is the process by which the architect can prepare a drawing, sketch of the model of an actual ship but in miniature size.

Ø  Ship models or model ships are miniaturized models of real ships which can be of any range starting from 1/6000 range.

Ø  It gives an idea about the shape, size and design of the ship to be made.

Ø  The modeling brings forth any probable errors that might crop up during the actual process of constructing the ship.

3D modeling is the process to develop a mathematical representation of any three dimensional object. In this, computer software is used to create a model of the ship.


The following points help in highlighting the advantages of using this technology  in ship modeling.
v  This creates a real time, automated and passive 3D modeling system.
v  This process is low cost intensive and aids the process of ship modeling.
v  The general functionality of this technology enables us to do proper modeling using the software.
v  This technology helps gives easy access to reviewing the entire model thus created.
v  The use of computer generated 3D model gives superb visualization scope.
v  Errors can be checked and corrected accordingly.
v  Any number of dummies can be used in checking the design and model created in any position, posture and situation.
v  Camera path is a feature which can be introduced to navigate the various areas of the ship. This path can be used to define the route for both camera and object.

Drawbacks of 3d ship modeling

Though there are many advantages of using 3D ship modeling technology, it has some disadvantages too. The most important drawback of the technology is the expanse factor. The cost of installing the hardware and software is too high in comparison to the other devices available in the market.

The ergonomic aspect of this process creates irritation to the eyes due to wearing the 3D for a long time.

3d Ship Modeling- An Innovation that Revolutionized the Process of Ship Building

Tuesday, 20 August 2013
  3D ship modeling is one of the most unique innovations that the nautical industry has ever seen. This advancement in technology has now bid farewell to the age old practice of building ships with the help of blueprints of model ships and replaced it with 3D ship design that enable an accurate and precise process of ship building.

 Marine engineering teams build 3D ship models with the help of various computer programs and software. They design a scaled down replica of a full sized ship in 3D which plays a major role in ship building. The scaling ratio is mentioned for every part of the ship so as to ensure that workers can build the ship with precision. The final design of the ship’s hull is selected first before designing the ship model.
 The first model ship was built in Egypt around 3200 B.C. Since, then the nautical industry has seen major advancements in technology. From the wood and plank models to the modern day 3D ship modeling, the nautical industry has seen a boom in innovations with the support of marine engineering teams. 3D ship building process has empowered professionals to incorporate various customizations with sheer ease and flexibility.

 3D ship modeling also helps in achieving precise hydrostatic measurements. The first step to ship building is the reconstruction of the hull which involves various capturing and analyzing techniques. This is the most important area where data capturing and analyzing is achieved effectively through 3D shipdesign.
 It is a well known fact that new ships are built with the help of blueprints of 2D ship design and manual measurements of 2D objects but when it comes to reconstruction, 3D ship modeling is the best approach owing to the perfection that can be achieved through computer programming with ease. 3D ship modeling mostly helps the workers to build modern day ships accurately.

So, it is quite evident how 3D ship modeling has completely revolutionized the process of reconstruction in ship building. Axsys Technologies Limited caters to specific needs of the customer in each and every stage of the building of a ship right from the concept and basic ship design to construction and accurate operation of the ship. The organization uses various modern day designing tools for this purpose, namely Tribon, Ship Constructor and Nupas Cadmatic for handing over innovative designs to clients and for analysis and data capturing tools like Ansys 8.0 and Hecsalv are used.

 Therefore, opt for the latest in 3D ship modeling to get best results in reconstruction and data capturing for the process of ship building.

Advantages of 3D Ship Modeling

Monday, 19 August 2013
The nautical world experiences innovations in terms of technology every single day. Contrary to the yesteryears, the rates at which advancements are taking place in marine engineering are quite high. The latest developments in the sphere of ship 3D modeling have taken the nautical world by surprise. The application of 3D computerized modeling is not just for visualization purpose. With the help of the specific use of some customized software, the application of 3D scanning reflects the potential for analysis of symmetry in reconstructed hulls.

The problem that researchers faced with the ancient ships is that they had to conduct their studies based on the 2D model of study. This however is no more a concern keeping in mind the recent advances in computerized visualizations. With the use of 3D models, presentation of reconstructed or preserved objects is no more a concern. The potential of 3D scanning technology can be further used to analyze and evaluate in detail the geometric models of ship hulls.

The data that are collected by archiving and analyzing 3D models of ships can be used to reconstruct the hull of a vessel. Therefore it can be said that the use of the latest technology of 3D has done a world of good to the ship building industry. It not only helps in analyzing and capturing data but also throws light on the hidden designs of the ‘eye-built’ hulls. The technological assembly process and the accurate reconstructions of scaled and full sized models can also be identified with 3D ship models.

In the past, researchers were faced with the challenges of data collection and this further increased the complexity of reconstruction of the maritime past. Most of the times hulls are partially preserved and this means that the hulls are preserved without any major structures like stems and sternposts. Today, this is no more a problem because of the introduction of cutting edge technologies like 3D ship models in marineengineering.

The contributions of 3D ship models in the nautical world are therefore huge. With every passing day new technologies are being introduced in marine engineering but the introduction of 3D modeling stands out from the rest. The introduction of this technology suggests that developments in the nautical world will come out bigger and better. What more innovations are to be seen in the nautical industry that will time will tell. 

Ship 3D Modeling helping Marine Engineering – Explained with Example

Friday, 16 August 2013
Marine engineering is facing some basic challenges. The ship production process is going through a rough patch due of sluggish economy with high input costs. However, the industry is trying hard to lower cost. Other than this, some associated challenges are also there such as efficiency and provision of support throughout the production process.

China has found out a unique way of taking care of all these challenges and that is ship 3D modeling. This process was first adopted in the Chinese yards. What had they done? They had adopted a support system based on 3D simulation. The consecutive steps involved:
i.                     Designing the concept
ii.                   Engineering
iii.                 Production
iv.                 Operation
v.                   Maintenance

Though this unique technology was started by China, similar efforts are also done in other parts of the world. This has helped in time bound work delivery, streamlined and structured approach, multiple corrections without complete rework, and others.  
One of the most successful implementation of this process has been done in Vietnam, where 3D ship modeling and 3D simulation based technologies have been used. In addition, digital shipbuilding database management has also been implemented. This approach has helped in:

A)    Saving man hours
B)    Optimizing Return On Investment and thereof its rate
C)     Improved decision making
D)    Better design and visibility
E)     Flawless production as well as operation
F)     Better maintenance

In Vietnam, there are three ways of building simulation-based support system. One of the ways involves development of 3D simulation-based design and computer integrated manufacturing system. This is developed by using interactive programming languages such as Visual Basic, Visual Fortran, or Visual C++.
This approach includes 3D modeling of ship, detailed production planning, and production environment of shipyard. Advanced 3D CAD solution can be used to create the models. SBD-CIM system actually helps in:

·         Management of ship lifecycle
·         Project management
·         Control of production process
·         Evaluation

3D ship modeling has therefore helped in ship building and marine engineering through higher efficiency and lower cost.