History Of Ship Building

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Ship building can be traced back to the times of unrecorded history. Ever since man has started evolving, the quest for travelling and the modes of travel have changed. Building ships initially started as a mode of overseas business and is still the largest business to transport and exchange heavy goods between the continents. Ships then went on being used in the wars as capturing a county’s sea line meant instant victory and then came a time when ships were used as a mode of travel for passengers and gradually building ships (miniature) have emerged as a hobby in the elite class. 

There are highly skilled professionals who acquire the skill of crafting a ship and then lower it onto the waters. This is not just a commercial activity but also a very important activity and a skill set required in the military department. The navy forces of India need well-crafted and well-engineered ships that are able to withstand the after effects of war and bare the wear and tear so as to keep the trespassers of the country away. Building ships on the large scale first need a draft and a working model that defines the functionality of the ship. 

Ship building is a very detailed job that requires drafting the design on paper and then designing it on the computer using design software in two dimensional and three dimensional space and then a three dimensional working physical model is created which is finally realized by the craftsmen at the shipyard. In the recent times, the growth of this sector went up from 4.5 percent to 9 percent in a period of five years which is almost double. In addition, due to the availability of cheap labor force in India, India’s share in the global shipbuilding market has multiplied more than ten times going from a 0.1 percent in 2002 to a 1.6 percent in 2013 hence showing a whooping growth in the industry.

The growth percentage of the industry might be low compared to other existing industries; however, the growth rate is much more. Maximum growth has been seen in the design department with the rise in the need of designers with professional skills to work on certified software, which replicates the thought of the designer to the precision. This helps a great deal while creating and designing the ship physically. With the advancement of technology, and the rising need of people adapted and updated to the new technology has led to opening of various job opportunities for the entire country. Ships have been the symbol of power and strength from the dawn of time.

Expanding the ship building industry of any country would automatically mean expanding trade, the offshore explorations and the offshore platforms have become more important as the inland energy and resources are depleting and in turn increasing globalization and increasing the country’s revenue. As history says it, Vietnam bloomed like a flower since the discovery of the silk route and hence the main focus of any country should be to expand its shipbuilding industry.


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