Friday, 23 August 2013
The quest of man to conquer the land, sea and air is eternal. Man first made their mark on land and then turned their eyes towards the water bodies. As the earth is surrounded by water on all three sides, the scope of mastering and utilizing this area was essential for the evolution of man. The most common way of manning the waves are rafts, boats, ships etc. These floating vessels have been helping man since the ancient Egyptian age to this very day to spread the hold of humans over the vast expanse of the oceans. Ship building and ship modeling have been the prime concern for man since time immemorial.

The first ship was probably built during 3500 B.C in ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia and huge ships made of wood were constructed in ancient Roman empire.
The first steam-driven ship was constructed by an American named Robert Fluton in 1807. It had paddles an a wooden hull. This was followed by the invention of propellers, in vented by Joseph Russel, John Patch etc.

Iron and steel took over the wooden hull around 19th century. Later on steel was preferred to iron as it was stronger than iron.
With rapid advancements in technology, 3D ship modeling has taken up a huge space in recent scenario.


Ø  Ship modeling is the process by which the architect can prepare a drawing, sketch of the model of an actual ship but in miniature size.

Ø  Ship models or model ships are miniaturized models of real ships which can be of any range starting from 1/6000 range.

Ø  It gives an idea about the shape, size and design of the ship to be made.

Ø  The modeling brings forth any probable errors that might crop up during the actual process of constructing the ship.

3D modeling is the process to develop a mathematical representation of any three dimensional object. In this, computer software is used to create a model of the ship.


The following points help in highlighting the advantages of using this technology  in ship modeling.
v  This creates a real time, automated and passive 3D modeling system.
v  This process is low cost intensive and aids the process of ship modeling.
v  The general functionality of this technology enables us to do proper modeling using the software.
v  This technology helps gives easy access to reviewing the entire model thus created.
v  The use of computer generated 3D model gives superb visualization scope.
v  Errors can be checked and corrected accordingly.
v  Any number of dummies can be used in checking the design and model created in any position, posture and situation.
v  Camera path is a feature which can be introduced to navigate the various areas of the ship. This path can be used to define the route for both camera and object.

Drawbacks of 3d ship modeling

Though there are many advantages of using 3D ship modeling technology, it has some disadvantages too. The most important drawback of the technology is the expanse factor. The cost of installing the hardware and software is too high in comparison to the other devices available in the market.

The ergonomic aspect of this process creates irritation to the eyes due to wearing the 3D for a long time.


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